Tag Archives: Facebook

Simple Reminders

3 Apr

April 2 – Simple Reminders

This screen shot was the only photo I took yesterday. I almost took several others, but nothing seemed quite worthy enough. I thought about sneaking in a photo from another day. But, I decided not to cheapen my photo challenge by using another day’s photo.

Here’s the story behind the screen shot:

Yesterday, I went to Dustin’s Facebook page to leave him a link to an Esquire article about shaving laws. While leaving the link on his wall, I noticed his profile states “Married to Katie Barton”. So I took a screen shot, added an arrow, and sent it to him in a message with the text: “This made me happy.”

It seems silly.

Obviously we’re married. I know we’re married. He knows we’re married. (It would be strange, and probably illegal in some way, if we didn’t know.)

But, sometimes something simple, like seeing “Married to Katie Barton” on his Facebook profile,  makes me step back and think about what it means.

It means Dustin Barton is my best friend. He’s always going to be my best friend. Even if he makes me wake up at 5 a.m. after he uses all the hot water. Even if I misunderstand how much money is in our bank account and order too much nail polish online.

It means Dustin Barton is going to be there with me for the rest of my life. He’ll be there to encourage me to do things even though I’m scared. And I’ll be there to encourage him when his self confidence is low.

We’re there for each other no matter what, and that’s a wonderful thing to remember.