Blogging and Weight Loss: One day at a time

26 Jun

This is a wonderfully busy chapter of my life.

I’m helping launch an online magazine and a print magazine. (Two totally different magazines with two totally different subjects.) It’s fun, exciting work. And it’s exhausting and time consuming. My husband and I just started running. It’s really hot out, so it kind of sucks. But it’s also great bonding time, and we both feel great when we’re done. So mostly it’s wonderful. I also just discovered Grey’s Anatomy, which is substantially slowing down progress on all of the above.

And with all of those projects* blogging and for-fun photography have somewhat fallen by the wayside. I haven’t fogotten about them. I’ve still been thinking of ideas for fun posts, I just haven’t had time to actualize those posts. And, I kind of haven’t been taking a picture every day.

I’ve been thinking of ways that I can make this blog work, with my now-limited free time. I’d thought of abandoning the photo challenge completely. I’d thought of a few replacement series. I’d thought about abandoning Living With the Birds. Everything made me incredibly sad and discouraged.

And then yesterday my husband interviewed a woman who has lost 200 lbs.

The advice she gave him: Take things one day at a time.

We’re human. We make mistakes. Sometimes we don’t follow through on things we plan to. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes we don’t have time, or we’re tired, or we come up with some other excuse.

Sometimes our goal is to run three times a week, and we go a week and a half without lacing up our tennis shoes. But messing up doesn’t mean you have to quit. That doesn’t mean you can’t run your heart out (not literally) the next week.

We need to learn to take life, and our commitments, one day at a time, because no one is perfect and no one is on their A-game every day of the year. And sometimes when things aren’t working out, instead of getting discouraged and quitting, we need to adjust our plans so that we can still acheive our goals.

So I’m following that advice. I’m adjusting my plan to make this blog, and this photo challenge workable for me.

The photo challenge is no longer going to be about taking and sharing one photo every day; that’s not really possible for me right now. I’m not quite sure what the photo challenge is going to evolve in to. I’m in thought about it. Maybe I’ll set a number of photos to take each week, or maybe I’ll come up with something else. I’m open to suggestions.

I’m not quitting. I’m evolving, and I’m taking life one day at a time.

*Yes, watching Grey’s Anatomy is a project. It’s how I watch TV; I’m a very active participant in everything I do.

3 Responses to “Blogging and Weight Loss: One day at a time”

  1. christine June 27, 2012 at 9:28 am #

    Wonderful advice. Just what I needed to hear today. Good luck with your projects!

  2. cravesadventure June 27, 2012 at 2:05 pm #

    Great Post. Important to find that balance and take it one day at a time. Have a Great Day:)

  3. kisses2blow July 15, 2012 at 9:26 am #

    Great advice, it just reassured me that it’s ok to mess up I am human and we all stumble at times. Great post.

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